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Anatomy of a Profit-Producing Sales Sheet

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Sales sheets are perfect for demonstrating the benefits of your products and services. As marketing tools, they concisely tell customers why they should make a purchase, they create desire and deliver a call to action, and they're incredibly cost-efficient to print. To maximize your profit potential start by learning the anatomy of a profit-producing sales sheet.

Thought-provoking headline

A good sales sheet headline quickly reveals a major benefit of a product or service. It commands customer interest and persuades them to read your entire sales sheet in-depth to learn more about how your product or service can benefit them. When you have a powerful headline, potential customers will be far more likely to understand how you can help them and then take the next step in the purchasing process.

Create desire

Your sales sheet should create desire for your product or service by explaining its features and benefits. Tell customers what makes your product special and, more importantly, how that will directly benefit them by making life easier, solving problems, and making their lives better. Customers need to want to buy your product or service in order for you to turn a healthy return on investment.

Large photos, diagrams, and charts

Use photos to show customers exactly what they're getting. Product photos are perfect as stand-alones or when products are shown being used in context. Service results, before and after photos, and software screen shots are likewise great ways to showcase your products and services. Add diagrams to point out the most beneficial features of your products, and consider using charts to compare product and service by level or against competitors. Using visuals to sell can be a major boon to your overall sales sheet marketing effort.

Special offer

Not all sales sheets include a special offer, but if you're selling to consumers (and even B2B) you should at least consider including a special offer as an incentive to make a purchase now. Special offers should be time-limited to generate the most response fast, and should have perceived value to your customers without jeopardizing your profits.

Call to action

Finally, include a motivating call to action on your sales sheets so customers know in no uncertain terms what action to take next: call you, visit your website, go to your store. Remind them of a major benefit and your time-limited offer, include any relevant contact information, then get your sales sheets in front of potential customers.

Premium printing

Premium sales sheets are cheap to print and enhance the overall visual appeal and feel of these tried-and-true marketing materials. Premium paper stocks with glossy or matte coatings make your design brim with brilliance and enrich your colors. Perforations allow for convenient tear-off coupons. Add-on finishing options such as foil stamps and die-cut shapes can make your sales sheets stand out from the competition.

Sales sheets are perfect sales tools for B2B and B2C companies. When you follow the advice given here, you can maximize your profit potential when printing sales sheets