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Best April Fools' Day Graphic Design Resources

resources imageIf you're on a tight deadline for your April Fools' Day graphic designs, you can find some great illustrations and sources of inspiration to make your artwork pop in a flash and on the cheap. Here are some of the best April Fools' Day graphic design resources on the web.Some are free, others are not - always make sure you check your license and usage rights!

April Fools' Day designs

Instead of firing up Illustrator and drawing your own jester or other creation, check out the following websites to see if they have anything you can use on the cheap. ]]>Fotosearch]]> has several court jester illustrations you can snag, as do ]]>Canstock Photo]]> and ]]>iStockPhoto]]>. You can get a free colorful jester from ]]>Graphic Leftovers]]>. Of course, you'll also want to check out ]]>Creative Commons]]> and ]]>Vecteezy]]> to see if you can grab some free funny designs for your April Fools' Day postcards, banners and brochures.

Free April Fools' Day design templates

Few luxuries save as much time and tedious hassle as pre-formatted design templates for postcards, banners, brochures, flyers, and more. You can get free graphic design templates for these and other projects from PsPrint. Each template includes convenient, time-saving markings for the safe print area, cutlines and bleed lines; and is formatted in the proper resolution and color settings for high-quality printing. Templates work with major design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

Inspiration from tradition, history and the news

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April Fools' Day is a very old holiday - and the tradition of pulling pranks goes back centuries. The more you learn about April Fools' Day history and tradition, the more sources of inspiration you have at your disposal. Pick obscure facts, humorous events, odd traditions and other little-known templates to center your design around so that the finished product is clever, unique and captivating. Start with sources such as ]]>Wikipedia]]> and ]]>National Geographic]]>. You can also find plenty of "fools" in the news and use their stories as your spark. Research past April Fools' Day hoaxes and pranks, starting with ]]>"The Top 100 April Fools' Day Hoaxes of All Time"]]> by the Museum of Hoaxes. Often, you'll see a design that's a literal interpretation of a famous quote, and there are plenty of quotes pertaining to April Fools' Day you can use as the thematic centerpiece for your designs. If you're crafting a humorous design, for example, Douglas Adams' statement that "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" might be the perfect quote to showcase.

April Fools' Day crafts and recipes

The editors of magazines such as ]]>Family Fun]]> spend a lot of time brainstorming creative designs, and thus April Fools' Day arts and crafts found on Family Fun and similar websites serve as great idea generators. Food, rich in color and texture, is an art form in itself and so you can research ]]>April Fools' Day recipes]]> on Family Fun and ]]>All Recipes]]> or a touch of class and taste.