Holiday and specials



Finding an All-In-One Designer, Printer and Mailer
Developing a direct-mail marketing campaign can be an arduous process, especially when it comes to getting your designers, printer and mailer in sync. Your design has to work with your copy, which...
Direct-Mail Add-ons That Increase Response Rates
When done right, direct-mail marketing can be extremely effective in expanding any business' customer base. The first goal of any print marketing strategy is always getting your customers to take...
Working with List Brokers
If you're going to send a direct-mail postcard, brochure, flyer, catalog or other promotional piece, a list broker can help you find the perfect mailing list. Unfortunately, many small businesses...
How to Market Your Business for Free
Every business has sought free ways to market. Some have expended a sizable amount of time and energy to market for free. The incredible thing is that free marketing strategies have been under...
Five Steps to a Great Mailing List
Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just started studying marketing, you probably know the golden rule of direct-mail marketing: 40/40/20. For the uninitiated, this simply states the theory...
Five Direct-Mail Strategies You Can't Ignore
If direct mail is at the core of your marketing strategy, you know how important it is to continually tweak your campaigns to optimize response rate - and how blissfully amazing it is when you...
Cheap Direct-Mail Marketing Options
When the economy is slow, smart businesses know the time is ripe to push marketing campaigns to the max. A sluggish economy forces many companies to scale back their marketing efforts, presenting...
Creating Successful Mailing Lists
If you're familiar with the 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing, then you know how important mailing lists are to your success. For the uninitiated, the 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing states...
Secrets to Direct-Mail Copywriting
A picture might be worth a thousand words, but it is your copy — the words that make up your sales pitch — that will have the biggest impact on your direct-mail marketing success. That...
Using Direct-Mail Marketing to Get Customers
Utilizing direct-mail marketing to acquire new customers is one of the best ways to efficiently grow your business without breaking the bank. Here are a few tips on how to do it right:Find your...
