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Creative Design Ideas for Magnets

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Magnets are perfect marketing tools for getting your business front and center where your prospects can see them time and again, or even to make a creative statement that can't be ignored and perhaps even has a bit of shock value. Getting noticed is the first step to successful advertising, and of course the next step is to add value so that customers are motivated to take the next step in the purchasing process. To help you toward that end, the following details some creative design ideas for magnets that you can use to grow your business.

Business card magnets

You've probably seen these before, and it's no wonder: business card magnets work because they put your company in front of prospects over and over again – and in some of the most oft-viewed areas. Business card magnets work well on filing cabinets, refrigerators, vehicles, metal door frames and just about anything else that magnets are attracted to. Of course, like any other marketing strategy, business card magnets are most effective when they're deployed where your target audience will see them.

Add value for branding

One of the most successful tactics for putting your magnets to work for your company is to add value for your prospects. You've seen magnets that double as calendars, conversion charts, process reminders and other uses. The more relevant your magnets to your target audience the better, and the more useful you can make them the better your branding efforts. There's simply no substitute for a branding device that is referenced multiple times a day, every day, and one that will ultimately lead to new business because your company will come to mind when prospects need what you sell.

Go large, get noticed

Extra-large magnets that you can stick on vehicles, fuel tanks, cabinets, metal doors and other large areas are a sure fire way to get noticed. What's more, it can be easier to convince people with prime locations to allow you to stick magnets to their stuff than it is to convince them to allow you to affix stickers, since magnets easily come off with a simple pull and won't leave any kind of lasting residue. Having a car professionally wrapped to advertise your business can be costly, but printing a large magnet to stick to car doors represents a minimal investment that ultimately has the same branding effect

Don't forget an offer and call to action

Simply placing your brand name on marketing materials is enough for some companies, but if you want your magnets to have true promotional value you should consider attaching an offer and a call to action. You might, for example, put a promo code on your magnets and offer customers 10 percent off any order when that code is recited. The value for this is threefold: first, your customers will want to take advantage of a good deal; second, they'll feel like VIP customers because you're offering it to them; and finally, you can track your magnets return on investment because most customers who call (or visit your website or location) will take advantage of your offer.