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Door Hanger Marketing Strategies

Door hanger marketing is incredibly successful when you take the proper steps to plan and prepare your campaign. Unlike many other marketing methods, your customers simply must pick up and handle your door hangers, providing remarkable opportunities to literally put the right message in the hands of the right audience. The following door hanger marketing strategies will help you develop the perfect door hanger marketing campaign:

Solve problems/make life better

resources imageCustomers buy for two reasons: to solve problems or to otherwise make their lives better. Your door hanger must address one of these motivators with a bold, compelling headline and supporting copy that elaborates on why you can help. It's important to keep your message straight-forward, simple and to the point — concise copy sells when it comes to door hangers. Tell your customers what you will do for them, how they'll benefit and how to take the next step — that's really all you need.

Define your audience

To whom will you distribute your door hanger? The more targeted your audience is, the better your return on investment will be. Some organizations blanket entire communities: pizza shops, churches, real estate agents, etc.; while others find more benefit is pursuing a specific crowd. A high-end investment firm might distribute door hangers in an affluent area, for example, and avoid "the wrong side of the tracks," because affluent people have more money to invest.

Create incentive

Add value with perforated tear-off coupons or an incredible offer that strikes the right chord with your audience. Free consultations seem to have lost their appeal ... everybody does them, so you must work to differentiate your offer. If you're not offering a discount or free product sample, develop a free report or other useful product you can give to your customers. A real estate agent might offer a free home buying report as part of a lead generation door hanger campaign, for example.

Inspire through your call to action

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Your door hangers should convey a sense of urgency for your customers to act. Give your customers a very specific call to action, but also give them options: visit a website, a physical location or call a phone number, for example. You can also perforate your door hanger and include response cards for lead generation. As you can see, there are several considerations to take when planning your door hanger marketing campaign. Investing time to properly plan and creatively develop your door hangers will always result in a higher return on investment than just winging it.