
Graphic Design Marketing: Branding

resources image This is the first article in a five-part series that details exactly what you need to market your graphic design business and make it a success. The realm of graphic design can present a difficult learning curve if you don't know how to properly market your business. In this series of articles you will find the tools you need to cultivate a winning graphic design business.

Importance of a branded image

As a graphic designer, you undoubtedly understand the importance of branding. Without rehashing everything you've already learned about why you need to brand your company, we'll offer some tips to refresh your memory on how to build a successful brand.

  1. Define your niche - What is your niche in the graphic design industry? Do you do logos and corporate ID packages, or do you prefer web-based work? Focusing on a niche is important to graphic designers, too - especially with so much competition on the high seas.
  2. Describe your benefits - How do you benefit your customers, and how are you different from the competition?
  3. Know your customers - Create a perfect customer profile from your top three customers. Study them. Live their lives. Know them, and you will know what problems they have that you can solve.
  4. State your mission - Where does your company stand today, and where do you want it to be in two years? Five years? Ten years? Your mission should encompass who you are and where you're going.
  5. Sum it all up - Your brand is an expression of all of these things. Jot them down and brainstorm potential taglines that represent your company's core identity. Pick the most memorable.
Branding through design

resources imageThough this probably isn't necessary reading for professional graphic designers, it stands to reason that you must practice what you preach. Branding through design - logos, identity, website, etc. - is critical to long-term success. Don't get so busy with client work that you neglect your own branding needs!