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Notepad Printing Techniques

resources imageNotepad printing can be a lucrative investment for your company or organization. Not only do notepads help brand your image, they're capable of achieving long-term return on investment that breeds customer loyalty and satisfaction. Notepads are so useful, because they're not apt to be tossed into File 13. They have desktop staying power that surpasses that of postcards, brochures and flyers. The following notepad printing techniques will help you print a notepad that your customers will love:

Choose the right notepad paper

Notepad paper can't be too thick or too thin, since flimsy paper tears too easily and thick paper is too bulky. Instead, opt for a happy medium with 70-pound opaque notepad paper that offers a smooth writing experience and enough stability to hold up to vigorous note-taking.

Choose the right size

What will your notepads be used for? How will you distribute them? Consider these questions when deciding on the right size for your notepads. For example, 4-inch by 6-inch notepads are perfect for goody bags distributed at trade shows or inserted into sales letter packages; while 5.5-inch by 8-inch notepads are well suited for face-to-face distribution and as leave-behinds after sales calls. In some cases, larger notepads might be perceived as having more value. On the other hand, if your prospects work on the road or in smallish cubicles, smaller notepads might be more convenient. It's really best to have both on hand. Keep in mind that 5.5-inch by 8-inch notepads also have a chipboard backer padded on the short dimension for comfort and convenience.

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Drill holes if convenient

If your prospects will use their notepads in day planners or three-ring binders, you can have holes drilled for the ultimate in convenience (and to ensure they'll be used!). Determine which size day planner or binder your notepads are best suited for, and print holes large enough to accommodate the metal rings. Choose from 3/16-inch, ΒΌ-inch or 5/16-inch.

Get a proof

A hardcopy proof is the best way to ensure that your notepads look as great off the press as they do on your computer screen. You don't want a small typo or layout mistake to render an entire notepad order unusable, so you should always get a hardcopy proof so you can inspect your notepad in person before printing the full job.

Print in volume for maximum savings

The more notepads you print per run, the cheaper each notepad becomes. This is because press set up costs money, but once the press is set up it can run the same job indefinitely. To save money and maximize your return on investment, print as many notepads as you can distribute in one run. Look to the future - if you anticipate ordering again in six months, but have the money now, you could save a few hundred dollars by printing all of your notepads at once. Notepad printing is not only economical, it's a surefire way to get your products, services, brand image and message in front of a highly targeted audience day after day, month after month. A worthwhile investment that pays off in the long run, notepad printing brings the benefits of longevity and established return on investment to your marketing plan. Follow these notepad printing techniques to maximize your return.