

Greeting Card Marketing Essentials
Despite being highly effective, greeting cards are often overlooked when it comes to developing print marketing plans. A greeting card has the potential to do more than nearly any other marketing...
Five Non-Holiday Occasions for Greeting Cards
You might know that greeting cards are a powerful way to stay personally connected to your customers, but perhaps you're feeling that the obligatory holiday postcard has lost its luster. You can...
Tips for Successful Copywriting
Graphic designers are often expected to come up with compelling copy to match their dazzling designs. For some, this comes naturally; for others, it can be a struggle - they're designers, not...
Tips for Entrepreneurs to Get Free Publicity
Public relations has become an increasingly important vehicle for connecting with customers. There are so many places that the same item can be purchased, so consumers are paying more attention to...
Are You Ready for an Affiliate Marketing Program?
Affiliate programs can be a great way to reach customers that traditional marketing methods miss, as well as confirm that you are the best source for a particular product or service and generate more...
Social Media Marketing Pros and Cons
div, img, a, ul, li, span, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { padding:0 0 0 0; margin:0 0 0 0; list-style:none; border:0; outline:none!important; } .clear { clear:both; } a, a:hover, a:focus {...
How Do You Get Customers?
Here are 15 tips to help you market your business and get it off the ground without spending a fortune.1. Get business cards and stationery printed immediately. Your business card, letterhead and...
Marketing to the Middle-Aged Working Class
The middle-aged working class spends a vast amount of money and is one of the most lucrative market segments for many types of businesses. The purchasing power of the middle-aged working class is a...
Marketing to College Students
There are perhaps more obstacles to hurdle when marketing to college students than any other segment. Getting past these roadblocks is a challenge, especially if you're new to college student...
Selling Printed Designs on Ebay and Etsy
If you're a graphic designer, you can leverage the convenience and prominence of websites such as Ebay and Etsy to build a steady stream of passive income for years to come. Browse over to these...
