

How to Benefit From Customer Testimonials
Customer testimonials are a great way to boost sales and credibility. They demonstrate your company's proven track record of meeting or exceeding customer expectations and can help prospective...
Before the Event: Ideas and Checklists
Trade shows, conferences and seminars provide excellent opportunities to learn about new industry innovations, connect with other professionals and market your products and services. If your company...
Attracting Customers to Your New Business
Starting a business is an exciting endeavor for every new business owner. Once all the legal paper work is done, the business plan is set and the doors finally open, many breathe a sigh of relief...
After the Event: Ideas and Checklists
You've just returned from a successful trade show, conference, seminar or other event. You made new connections, collected many leads and landed several sales. Great! Now, the real work begins....
Personalizing Printed Pieces for Different Markets
Successful business owners know that understanding their customers is key to meeting their needs and desires through products and services and ultimately increasing sales. One conundrum many...
Combining Online Media and Print Marketing
Just a few years ago people were shouting "Print is dead" from the rafters. These premature prognosticators couldn't have been further from the truth as online and print marketing are...
Retail Store Marketing and Printing Techniques
When it comes to retail stores, few things are as effective as print marketing. This is especially true for local retailers with a regionally limited customer base. The more competitors you have, the...
Musician and Band Press Kits
More and more musicians are marketing themselves as the online printing market has combined accessibility and quality with affordable pricing. Press kits are one of the best ways for individual...
Cheap Flyers Are Powerful Marketing Tools
Cheap flyers are powerful marketing tools, no doubt about it. But how do you print cheap flyers that are also high-quality flyers so you can bring in the premium clientele? The answer is to choose...
Club Card Marketing in Tourist Hot Spots
If you're marketing in a tourist hot spot and want to attract the big-money spenders, club cards can be a great way to reach the audience you're after. Club card marketing is fast, easy and...
