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Power Terms for Your Business Cards

Your business card is much more than a tool to simply relay contact information: It's your own 2.5-incy by 3-inch salesperson. That's why it's so important that your business card delivers a powerful marketing message that reels prospects in and motivates them to take the next step in the purchasing process. One of the best ways to keep your company prevalent in customers' minds - and elicit a response - is to use power terms that are proven to grab and hold attention much longer than the average business card text. The following are a few ideas for using power terms for your business cards.


If you can offer a free gift, free consultation or free trial, make sure your business card mentions it. People gravitate to free offers, so this is one of the easiest ways to open the door to new business. You could even make the free offer contingent on your prospects presenting your business card, thereby keeping it in their hands longer.


What is unique about your offer, company or services? Do you offer excellent support ("Discover the power of efficiency with robust 24/7 support"), or have a time-saving product ("Discover the time you've been missing with AutoMow")? If your product or service can help people discover something new, directly or indirectly, let them know. People don't want to miss out on anything, so this is a great term for generating genuine interest in your company.


Nobody wants to take unnecessary risks, especially when it comes to money. Offer a money-back guarantee to make your prospects feel safe and comfortable when dealing with you. Often, a guarantee alone is all it takes to boost business - and what better opportunity to let people know about your guarantee than on your business card?


Everyone wants to save time, money, hassle, etc. Along with the guarantee, this is one of the best terms you can use on your business card. Your prospects are getting a great deal without risking their hard-earned money, which is a very powerful motivator when it comes to your customers' purchasing decisions.


This is a subtle scare tactic you can use to compare your business to others and can often be combined with other power terms. You could try something such as "Stop wasting your time on hold - discover the power of 24/7 support!" This is a great way to imply that your company offers better products or services than your prospects are currently getting from your competitors.

Act Now

All of these power terms can be used as part of your call to action, but your business card will also benefit from a specific action to take. You could try something such as "Call now for your free consultation," or "Log on to www.yoursite.com now to save big today." The goal is to apply a sense of urgency and value to elicit an immediate response. You should never simply place your contact information on your business card and leave response to chance.

Using power terms is a great way to turn your business card into a more effective salesperson and can drive a great return on investment when in the hands of the right prospects. Many of these power terms can be used together to create a simple yet commanding statement or call to action that motivates your prospects to take the next step in the purchasing process.