Holiday and specials
If you're running a campaign for a small city or county then you might not have access to the multi-million dollar campaign donations enjoyed by politicians who vie for political seats in larger...
If you want to get elected, you need political signs to broadcast your message day and night, to demonstrate that you have many supporters, to brand your platform and to snuff the competition....
Postcards are a print marketing staple of many political election campaigns for good reason: They work, and they're cheap to design, print and send. Despite these amazing benefits of the printed...
The passage of school levies is vital to local education, and if you serve on a school levy campaign you know that you often have to pull a lot together in a relatively short amount of time - mostly...
A quality educational system is vital to America's future, and well-funded schools are poised to provide the best educations to bright young minds. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans...
A successful political campaign wins the hearts of a broad range of voters through a carefully crafted marketing strategy. In today's fast-paced, not-enough-hours-in-the-day world, many voters do...
Direct mail is an important part of any political campaign. Direct-mail pieces serve as an express connection to voters and can deliver your message clean, concise and controlled. Here are some...
Door hangers are the perfect political campaign marketing tool. Not only do they allow you to distribute your platform pitch economically, they put you face-to-face in front of your constituents....