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ID Badge Marketing Strategies
Often considered purely informational in nature, ID badges are often overlooked as a unique and efficient marketing tool. In fact, ID badge marketing can yield a robust return on investment when...
Custom ID Badge Printing Tips
Custom ID badges are more than simple identifiers - they brand companies and events, boost staff morale, and can ultimately lead to increased sales. Before you settle for drab black and white ID...
ID Badge Printing Techniques
Great companies should always have great ID badges. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Too many employees, visitors and event visitors are burdened with uncomfortable, bland black-and-white...
Creative Design Ideas for ID Badges
Gone are the days of the mundane ID badge that has a dimly lit photo, a name and an employee number. With today's advanced printing technology, ID badges have become more than system identifiers...
How to Design ID Badge Templates
ID badge designs can be a bit cumbersome because they tend to include the same basic information: names, titles, organizations and access levels. But that doesn't mean your ID badge designs have...
Unique Name Badge Design Ideas
Coming up with unique name badge design ideas can be a challenge for graphic designers, since most name badges include the same basic information and have the same basic purpose - identification....
ID Badge Design Essentials
Great ID badge design does more than simply identify someone. It markets your company and enhances brand recognition. Design your ID badge with three goals in mind: to attract attention, to clearly...
Going Green with ID Badges
If your company has a green agenda, ID badges represent the perfect opportunity to continue implementing eco-friendly business practices. Going green has many advantages: It saves money, enhances...